How to Ruin a Friendship

There are four main characters in this book and each one has their own chapters. Elizabeth, Jessica, Anna and Salvador. Anna is having a lot of personal emotional trouble since the anniversary of her brother's death is coming up. Jessica is having a lot of trouble with a geeky guy who follows her around and wants to date her (she wants nothing at all to do with him.) He becomes kind of starlker-ish.

Elizabeth and Salvador end up establishing a sort of romantic relationship which is a problem since Anna and Salvador are best friends and he doesn't want to hurt Anna's feelings. Elizabeth doesn't want to hurt Anna's feelings either but she and Salvador just seem to keep on getting together.

The part with the guy stalking Jessica is rather funny. The rest of it entails emotional problems among the other three characters and how they can possibly solve their problems without any of them getting hurt. Overall a good story.

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