I've Got a Secret

This is the first book in the senior year series that I have read. I've previously read various regular Sweet Valley High books and Sweet Valley Twins books, so I'm fairly familiar with the series.

To my this book is amazingly terrible. It violates the spirit of Sweet Valley High.

First, this is not the first book in the series. It seems that, unlike the other series, these books have to be read in order since the event in this one made virtually no sense at all. For example, somewhere along the line there was an earthquake. Elizabeth is living with some guy and Jessica seems to be staying at the Fowlers. What led to this? No idea.

Jessica is outcast at school and considered a slut. What led to this?

Elizabeth's character has changed considerably. Did one more year of high school make that difference? No idea.

There's also simply too many characters (like the old saying too many cooks spoil the broth.) I'm not saying don't add new people once in a while but don't throw a boatload of them in and expect it to make any sense.

Jessica has also changed. In the other series if someone had tried to slander her reputation she would have fought back like a tiger. Here she just seems to take it. Again, why?

This has really turned me off as far as reading any more of the senior year series.

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