Cheeky Angel, volumes 3 and 4

Volume 3

Kobayashi shows he has a patriarchal attitude and Meg has trouble with that. Some guys later beat him up. They take something of his and Meg later attacks them to get it back. Next section has Megumi resuming her search for the magical book. She offers to dress up as a maid for the guy that finds the book.

Genzo invites Meg and Miki to his place. They find the book at his place. They open the book but nothing happens. Later Genzo and the guys get the book to work and Genzo says he wants Meg to fall in love with him. The creature won't grant Meg's wish and curses her.

Kobayashi talks to Megumi and tells her the people around her would be attracted to her as she is, and would be even if she was a guy. Later Genzo invites Meg to go fishing with him. She seems to be having a lot of bad luck. She suddenly realizes she's actually out on a date with Genzo. Then Kobayashi shows up.

The dock section they are on breaks life and drifts away from the land. The two guys go into the water and hold onto the dock section and start swimming, pushing the dock back towards the land. Miki soon comes by on a boat, though.

Meg later is really bothered about her 'date' with Genzo, and Miki tries to help her. There's still a bunch of accidents that almost happen to her.

Volume 4

The guys are still worried about Meg's bad luck, and various punks are still beating up on various of the guys. Genzo and the guys work on a plan for hurting the devil character in the book. The problem is Genzo has lost the book.

Megumi undergoes some martial arts training. Later she and Genzo follow Kobayashi to where he lives and it turns out to be a dojo. He says he's training to be the greatest living samurai.

Megumi and Miki go with Meg's father to Osaka. Later Meg follows a woman doing some rather mysterious and shady things. She follows the woman and ends up getting in even more trouble. Later Genzo shows up.

There is one problematic thing about this set of stories, though, and it's kind of misleading as to the level of street violence in Japan. Although there is a lot of bullying in the schools, the manga would make a person think that street violence there is worse than it is in the U.S. but it's not anywhere near the same level.

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