Gaby Series of Books

This is a series of books that starts out with a boy named Drew but, due to a rare medical condition, ends up becoming a fully physical girl. The series is about Drew/Gaby and his/her cycling carrer, various friends and school activities. Other than an occasional bicycle accident there is nothing violent or vicious in this series.

A few of the books seem to be in regular book form but all of them are available as ebooks. Very few have any illustrations in them.

#1: Anime Days
#2: Summer Girl
#3. The Visitors
#4. Once Upon a Time in America
#5. Bits
#6. Girls, Girls, Girl?
#7. Dress Up
#8. Changes
#9. More Changes
#11 Wunderkind
#12. It's A Swiss
#13. Culture Clash
#14. Gaby the Girl
#15. Friends
#16. Sweet Sixteen
#17. Seasons
#18. Summery
#19. Girl's on Fire
#20. Gaby Express
Gaby Con 2016
Gaby Character Guide

My Index Page