Anime Days

This is a fairly long series about a young boy named Drew. There are developments in later books that are very important but I will review this book without those in mind, letting this one stand on its own merits.

Drew has a mother who is a profession cyclist. He also does cycling races. Physically he appears to be rather female in appearance although he definitely identifies himself as a male.

Throughout the book Drew gets steered, tricked or otherwise maneuvered into dressing up as a girl and, when dressed as such, fools virtually everyone into thinking he's a genetic girl. He is not overly fond of getting dressed that way but, on the other hand, he seems to always give in. It's sort of a running gag since each time he dresses up as a girl he says it's the absolute last time he will but then ends up getting dressed that way again.

He does well at cycling, even winning a couple of times. The school principal drafts Drew into dressing as a girl for a school brochure. It's quite obvious that dressing as a girl will definitely for him by hook or by crook.

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