Becoming Robin

Robert Smith is 15. His father left some ten years ago and he has a half-sister living in another state. He's wearing girl clothes when he finds out his mother was badly injured in a car accident. He has to go live with his half-sister.

The neighbors have a daughter his age, Ally, and the two of them become fast friends. The two talk and she finds out Robert knows he is really a she and Ally is very supportive. She helps him through his medical appointments and the beginning of his transition to a her.

There is one really bad thing that happens to the two while they are out jogging, both in female clothes. It's something that will cause nightmares for Robin.

Questions which will be answered will include whether or not Robin's mother ever wakes up from the coma she is in, how others react to Robert becoming Robin and how Robin's mother will react to that if she ever comes out of her coma.

There's a lot of positive stuff going on in this story and except for the one really bad thing that happens the rest of the story is very upbeat.

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