We Have No Secrets

This is a story about someone born intersex; that is, they have genitals fitting both genders. His father, very macho, pushed Chris through his life to be a boy. Chris never fit the stereotyped image of a boy, though, and things came to a head when he seemed to be developing breasts and one day at school went to the bathroom and ended up bleeding severely.

He is taken to the hospital and nearly dies. The surgeon does an operation that restores Chris' female physical self. Chris adapts well to being a biological girl. His step-father does to but his mother is less enthusiastic.

As with stories of this nature a good part revolves around Chris's friends. Results vary. Dan, a friend, ends up kissing her but their relationship is cut short by Dan's mother who is totally bigoted against what has happened to Chris and what she now is.

One girl is equally hateful. Another grown woman's hate matches hers as she objects to Chris using the girl's restroom even though Chris is not officially and biologically a girl with all the girl parts and none of the boy parts.

It definitely shows the difficulties a person like Chris undergoes in this type of situation with verbal attacks, threats and even physical attacks (to a friend of his, a girl who dresses as a boy to go to a dance.) It's a shame that such people totally forget the concept of Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You.

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