Xena: Prophecy of Darkness

A nightmare, a vision, a prophecy and the possible end of the world as they knew it. Gabrielle and Xena set out to try and stop this from happening. What is very interesting is that the vision involves a guy who wants to stop all evil in the world.

He's not a villain. He's not a madman. He just wants the world to be a nice place to live. What he doesn't know could kill everyone.

Along the way they pick up a young girl, Alesandra, who has visions and a wisdom far beyond her years. The one thing about her prophecy, though. The three of them will go to the castle to stop the guy from destroying the world. Only two will leave the castle, though.

A religious fanatic attacks them and then the entire village joins in the attack.

Xena's problems increase considerably when they get just about to where the need to be and they run into a dog. A big, Hades-guarding, three-headed Cerebus. The problem for Xena is that she can't kill him because that will lead to something really, really, really bad happening.

So, the three have to stop a deadly dog, find the guy behind the end-of-the-world scenario, stop the scenario from happening and do all this knowing one of the three will not be leaving the castle.

It's a really good story, especially with the idea that the main guy causing the problem is not actually an evil person at all.

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