Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor:” Warrior Stars of Xena

This book has a whole lot of information about the two major stars of the series. This includes:

Lucy's injuries suffered when riding a horse.
Lots of basic information about her.
A transcription of her at the Burbank 1998 convention.
Basic information about Renee O'Connor.
A transcription of her appearance at the 1997 Valley Forge convention.
Lots of black and white photos and some color photos.
Internet sources of information.
Episode guide for the first three seasons.
Good analysis of each episode.
Lots of information on mythology that was involved in Xena: Warrior Princess.
List of writers.
List of Directors.
A trivia quiz with answers near the end of the book.

I think the strong point of the book lies in the analyses of the individual episodes and their tie-ins to mythology. It's a very, very informative book and well work getting.

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