High Hopes for Addy

Addy is making a kite but her little sister Esther keeps interfering. She wants to use the kite in a Kite festival. She is also doing good in school and wants to become a teacher.

Addy and her friend, Harriet, get letters recommending them for the Institute for Colored Youth, a school to prepare students to become teachers. The problem is that the tuition is $10 a year, and her parents simply don't have that kind of money.

She tries to hide the letter but her parents find it anyway. They put off moving to a better apartment in order to be able to afford the school for Addy.

There's a factual section on the Institute for Colored Youth and its history, plus a small section on how to build a kite.

This is another very good short book with a strong lesson and interesting historical information. Definitely worth reading.

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