Addy Saves the Day

In this story the church Addy goes to is going to take part in a festival to raise money so people can try and find their relatives still missing. These relatives were slaves and the families had no idea where they were now that the war was over.

For Addy, it's also a time of competition against Harriet, a very snooty girl in her school. Addy finds that, when something very bad happens to Harriet, she can forget that competition and try to help the girl deal with what happened.

At the same time there is the festival with Addy, Harriet and Sarah working together to run a puppet theater production. An unknown girl shows up and steals the money they've made and Harriet and Addy give chase, with Addy finally managing to get the money back from the girl.

A wonderful surprise is also in store for Addy in this story.

Another good story in the series and very instructive on what happened to former slaves after the end of the war.

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