6 Roomates and a Baby

Allison, the former housemother of Canby Hall, has had twins. She wants the girls who knew her from room 407 to become godmothers. Three of them are still in school but the other three have graduated.

Which sets one of the reasons for some conflict. The 'older' girls don't always take the 'younger' girls seriously enough and this breeds bad feelings. Toby starts out wanting absolutely nothing to do with babies.

Dana misses Canby Hall. Then there's a rogue who decides to play two girls at the same time and see how long he can get away with that.

On top of all of that, of course, there is the actual taking care of the babies with the feeding, cleaning, diaper changing, crying and other things associated with that task . The girls do the smart thing in breaking up into groups, one group taking care of the babies and the others sleeping.

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