Felicity Discovers a Secret

Felicity was playing with rolling a hoop when it falls into a puddle, messing up some linens a neighbor had been washing. Felicity promises to come back the next day and help her clean everything up.

Felicity has to work very hard but finds out her neighbor is not as bad a person as her reputation states, although she is somewhat odd.

Felicity finds out that the neighbor has very poor eyesight and gets her a pair of used glasses from her father's shop. Her neighbor tries them on and really likes them.

Then there's a factual section on the history of eyeglasses, including the invention of bifocal glasses by Benjamin Franklin. There's also a section on how to make a pair of old-fashioned fancy glasses.

It's quite interesting just how much of a message can be conveyed in a short book. This is a good story about responsibility, judging others, being helpful, etc. The section on the history of eyesglasses is particularly interesting, also.

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