Felicity, the Movie

The film is the series of six books condensed into a movie format, maintaining all the important points from the books, from Felicity's love for the horse Penny on through the politician problems resulting from the fact that some people were Loyalists and some Patriots at the time of the earliest part of the American Revolution.

It is interesting to see the characters brought to life and watch what is happening to them.

The only problem I have with the production is a technical one. The entire area where Felicity is living, and I count her home, the town, and the surroundings is simply too clean. The roads lack dust. Everybody's clothing looks like it had just been washed that morning and all traces of dirt had been carefully avoided. Even the stable looks too clean. This was 1775; it was not a time of incredible cleanliness. It probably wouldn't bother the intended audience for the film, but for anyone older that lack of reality can be distracting.

The DVD has a number of extras, including a short tour of Williamsburg and a short behind-the-scenes section, along with some information on the American Girls online.

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