Changes for Kaya

This book in the Kaya series is primarily about her search for her lost horse, Steps High. It's also about the normal activities of her tribe, in this case riding out and hunting elk so they could have meat for the tribe.

It's during the hunt that Kaya finds Steps High, but she first has to get her horse away from another horse that claims her as his, and then if she can do that get her horse, herself and her horse's foal out through a major fire.

One of the very interesting things in the series is the philosophy of the Native Americans in relation to food gathering. They give thanks to the animals and plants that they took for food for "giving" themselves to them so that they can eat. All the food gathering is done with a very high degree of respect for the living things they are taking for their own survival. It's a philosophy that helped them live in balance with nature, rather than in a seeming continual fight with it as we do in today's world.

The historical section does not make for happy reading, as it tells about how the Nez Perce were chased for over a thousand miles by the American military, trying to force them back on to a small reservation. It also tells of how the gold rush led the U.S. to dishonor treaties they had made with the Nez Perce (and actually with all the other tribes treaties were made with, to be honest.)

It's a good book and quite thought-provoking.

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