The Silent Stranger

This is a Kaya Mystery book and is about the tribe finding a woman who is alone and whose hands are badly burnt. Not only that but she seems to be having some form of mental problem as she seems to be constantly searching for something, but no one knows what since she won't use sign language and doesn't speak the tribe's language.

The problem becomes worse for Kaya when her dog takes a liking to the woman and seems to become more her dog than Kaya's dog, stirring jealousy in Kaya. People are concerned that the woman could, perhaps, even bring harm to the village and it's not until Kaya, her dog and the woman all end up seeking shelter from a snowstorm that the truth begins to come out, and it's not a happy truth at all.

Kaya does a lot of maturing in this story, and by the end she's ready to go on her vision quest, something extremely important for her. The stories good and interesting all the way through.

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