Kirsten and the Chippewa

This short story is about Kirsten and some Indians that she and her mother meet when they come to their cabin. The Indians are not angry at them, though, and there's a funny incident when one of them gives Kirsten the name of "raccoon" since, he says, she washes dishes like a raccoon washes its hands.

The Indians are going on a raid against those of another tribe. Later Kirsten's dog is in danger of drowning in icy water and Kirsten cannot safely reach it, but the Indians return and one of them saves the dog.

The historical section is about the Objiway, also known as the Chippewa, and the types of lives that they lead. It's very good that, in this story, the Indians are not automatically enemies of the settlers but can, at times, not only be at least neutral if not friendly, but can also help out and both groups can get along quite well with each other.

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