Kit Learns a Lesson

The story of Kit's life during the Great Depression continues. Her father is still out of work and can't find a new job. The family needs more borders but can't find the room and there's trouble at school as one bully makes fun of Kit and one of the boarders, Stirling.

The trouble results in Kit having to take food to a soup kitchen along with Stirling and Ruthie, but things get much worse when Kit sees her father at the kitchen in the soup line.

Once at home her father apologizes and says he may have to go to Chicago t find work. Kit has an idea, though, and it's an idea that can help her father stay in Cincinnati, stop two of the borders from having to leave due to lack of money and make room for more borders, all at the same time.

The historical section is, as usual, quite interesting. A good second book in the series.

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