A Very Lizzie Christmas

As with the other novels, this one has two stories.

The first story is about Lizzie trying to get a float for a Christmas parade ready. She hopes to win the prize, which is a skiing trip to Aspen. Kate, of course, is in the contest and has spent thousands of dollars on her float and has even hired helpers.

A strange man, supposedly from an elder-care facility, appears and is likable, but before long has Lizzie's parents and her friends helping him restore the plumbing at the facility rather than helping her with her float. Lizzie goes through an abridged Christmas Carol set of dreams and has to decide whether her float is more important than helping old people in need.

The second story is about Lizzie and her friends wanting to be involved in the taping of a video for a rock star. It's a rather funny story, especially once Lizzie, Miranda and Gordo get inside the taping area and end up being chased by a security guard. Even her parents show up and get thrown in the brig (figuratively, of course.) A very funny story.

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