
This is a book from the American Girls publishers but it's not part of any of the "traditional" series of books like Felicity or Addy. It's a stand-alone story of Marisol, who really, really loves to dance and is very talented. Her parents decide to move, though, and that means leaving her school, her friends, and her dance studio.

The basic problem is that, where they are moving, there are no dance studios. It looks like she won't be able to do the thing she likes most to do unless, somehow, she can convince someone she knows to start up a dance studio of their own in the area where she's moving.

Marisol is Hispanic, and there are not many books about Hispanics in the series (and almost none about Asian-Americans), so it's interesting to see how this one is handled. There is no historical section in the book, although there is a section about some real-life girls who are dancers.

The book is ok, more of a "slice-of-life" type of book than anything else.

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