Princess of Convenience

This is a manga-style Harlequin romance. The story opens with a woman named Jessica, a fashion designer and store owner, driving and being run off by road by another woman whose car crashes. The woman dies, and Jessica finds out later it was the woman that a member of royalty was supposed to marry the next day.

Raoul was the guy who was to get married, and he was getting married to prevent the kingdom from being taken over by the evil Baron Marseille.

There's a lot of grief in both Jessica's and Raoul's life with both having lost loved ones. Jessica also feels guilty for the woman's death, even though it was the woman's fault totally.

Jessica also decides something needs to be done to save the kingdom from the Baron, and that's where the story ends.

I think it's pretty good, actually, although it's along the style of let's-put-the-hero-and-heroine-through-hell first types of stories.

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