Pure Love Manga

This manga consists of a number of stories that will continued in another manga. They all involve romance in some way or another.

The first story has a guy in a band announcing that a girl is a virgin. She's Miyako Chatani and she's a freshman at Chiba University. Her idol is a guy named Sako who says he wants a 'pure' girl. She later goes to a room where music is playing and is grabbed by Sako who then kisses her. This was all so a girl could get it on camera. Miyako is told that if she will sing for the band they will give her back the tape from the camera.

The second story involves a girl named Mizuki Yamashiro who is 19 and going to a job interview. She wants to be a housekeeper in an old cafe. She is hired and goes to a room and starts to change, but when she's in her bra and panties some guy comes in and criticizes her but does note she has big breasts. It turns out the guy is 17 and the owner of the cafe.

A third story involves a woman that was working on novels for a company and expected to get shifted to the romance novels department, but instead ends up working in the erotic novels department. She's totally disgusted with the guy and the way he acts.

The fourth story involves a girl who has a thing for her male boss. There's a rain storm and he invites her to his apartment and kisses her.

All the stories are rather cute.

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