Replica: Amy, Number 7

This is the first in a series about a girl named Amy. She's twelve and has a problem with nightmares. As far as she knows, her father is dead. Her best friend is Tasha. Amy has a fairly normal life.

Until some guy starts taking lots of pictures of her and she starts to develop considerable writing abilities, and gymnastic abilities, and succeeds at virtually anything she tries to do.

Which would be okay except for these strange notes she's been getting about hiding her abilities, and her mother freaking out all the time whenever she tries to find out about her past or wants to use her new abilities.

Then she gets this mark on her back and finds out virtually everything she's been told about her past, from day one, is a lie.

And she finds out she is Amy #7.

All she wants to do is be a normal teenager girl, but a lot of things seem to be conspiring against her achieving that dream. Some of them might even want her dead.

A very interesting first book in the series.

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