The Curse of Ravenscourt

In this story Samantha and the others temporarily move out of their house while some construction is being done on it, and they move into a tall apartment building named Ravenscourt. Nellie is worried since, to her, the raven is a symbol of bad luck.

It does seem that bad luck is happening, to, as the furnace goes out, lights go out, an elevator crashes, someone paints the number "13" on the 12th floor plate, etc. The youngest two girls come down with chicken pox, Uncle Gard is off on a trip, and in the midst of this mess Aunt Cornelia suddenly has to leave.

It's left up to Nellie and Samantha to find out if there really is a curse, or if someone is purposely causing accidents for some reason.

The book also continues the emphasis in the novels and the movie on the issue of the poor people of the times and the terrible type of living conditions they lived under.

This is the first of the non-History Mysteries books I've read and it turned out to be pretty good.

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