Voices at Whisper Bend

The story takes place in 1942, early in World War II. Charlotte is a typical student, her brother is in the Navy, her father pilots a tugboat and her school is going to have a series of materials drives thanks to an idea she had. Her grade is going to collect metal scraps and that they do, filling a basement room at the school.

Before the metal can be turned over to the mill, though, it is stolen. More metal is collected and it, too, is stolen. Everyone at the school is upset and the list of suspects includes both students and teachers.

Charlotte wants to find out who is the thief, but to do so she will have to go out on a rowboat on the river that she nearly drowned in when she was younger. She wants to help, but can she overcome her fear of falling into the water and drowning?

It's also not a clear-cut case of a bad guy taking the metal for his own profit; things turn out to be much more complicated than that. It's a good story and, as always, has a historical section to add background to the events in the story.

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