St. Therese, The Little Flower

St. Therese of Lisieux - Website Patron Saint


Website Patron Saint Adoptions by Catholic Garden Graphics



St. Thérèse is a saint for people who follow, in some form, her Little Way, offering up the little things that make up one's daily life. I believe we can all make a difference in small and humble ways, and St. Thérèse is one I can emulate in that.

She is also someone I have turned to in times of trouble. She said, "No one will ever invoke me without obtaining an answer...If I am wrong, I'll come back and tell you..."

She also said, "After my death, I will let fall a shower of roses. I will spend my heaven doing good upon Earth." I have never experienced the miracle of her roses [edit Aug. 12, 2004: I stand corrected! I am in the midst of a shower of roses! Some are here!] nor the scent of them, though many, many others have; but I have experienced her healing powers. She lived only 24 years here on this earth in humility, but what a great saint she is now!

~*~ Links ~*~


EWTN's Centenary of St. Therese

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

The Society of The Little Flower

Official Website of St. Therese of Lisieux




U.U. Page




Lil Kitty Graphics