Som jag är


1, Som Ett Eko 3:16: Not bad but too many la la las.
2. När Jag Var Fem 3:15 : Nice sounding.
3. En Sång Och En Saga 3:41: Nice.
4. Tänk Va' Skönt 3:25 Ta Det Bara Med Ro 2:15: Kind of pretty.
5. Om Tårar Vore Guld 3:30 Hjärtats Saga 2:21 Same comment. So far all the songs are pretty similar in the way they're sung.
6. Spela Vår Sång 2:24 Så Här Börjar Kärlek 2:36: This is the first one that I actually don't like at all.
7. Du Ska Minnas Mig 3:15: Actually, it's considerable worse than the previous song.
8. Jag Skall Göra Allt 3:50: Decent, must like the first five songs.
9. Sov Gott Min Lilla Vän: Again, decent and very similar.

Overall a pretty good album but it could have been better with some more diversity in the style of songs sung.

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