Reviews and articles on the movie

Reviews and other articles on the movie

Bravo, March 1983
Famous Monsters
Fantastic Films February #32
Fantastic Films #33
Film en Televisie April 1983
Floppy disc Dark Crystal game
Hitkrant April 1983
Hot Dog 1983
Marquee Movie
Movie 1983
Merchandising the Dark Crystal, Starlog, 1983
Metal Hurlant
Movie 83
Newfoundland Herald January 1983
Newsweek December 17, 1982
People Sept. 1982
Prevue January 1983
Producing the World of the Dark Crystal
Screen, April 1983
Starburst review of the movie
SF Star March 1983
SF Star April 1983
Starburst #52
Starburst #55
Starfix April 1983
Starfix January 1983
Starlog Japan April 1983
Starlog #55
Starlog #66
Starlog #69
Supermag 1983
Telematch 1983
The Anime March 1983
Theater Crafts January 1983
Us February 1983
You November 1982
My review of the movie

There are many reviews of the movie on You Tube. Every single one I looked at either liked or loved the film. There were some criticisms but they were tied to specific things (Jen was too one-dimensional, for example.) I did not see a single review that hated the film.

Main index page

Dark Crystal main index page