My Boss, My Hero, episode 1

Makio, who is really dumb. He's a yakuza. He's continually screwing things up for the boss. He also happens to be the boss' son. His father wants him to attend a certain high school. He either gets a diploma or doesn't become the new boss. He's going to have to behave like a good student. He also has to make sure no one finds out he's a yakuza. Makio's father knows the principal of the school.

His homeroom teacher, who happens to be the daughter of the principal. Makio is so dumb he doesn't know how to write his own name. He's totally lost in the classroom, understanding nothing at all of any of the subjects.

A group of high school punks want to shake him down for money. Makio is so dumb one of his “associates” gives him some first grade kanji primers.

The school nurse, who you can tell will be a major help to him.

The kid behind him is one he met earlier. The kid wants to be Makio's friend.

The other students make fun of him.

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