Coin Locker Monogatari, episode 1

These are coin lockers which can be in airports, etc, but can also sometimes be found on city streets.

She's looking at a locker and hears a baby crying.

The crying gets louder, but the locker is empty.

He had planted a camera in a stall in a woman's restroom.

He was leaving when a woman saw him, and now she's chasing him. While running, he drops a key to a locker.

The guy enters the forgotten-property room.

She lets him into his locker, then says she wants to check out his bag.

He can't quite figure her out.

She tells him she's staying there overnight.

She looks at a picture of a baby on her cell phone.

The pervert gets on an escalator behind her and tries to get a shot up her skirt.

She kicks him down the escalator and then yells for help.

She follows him into the men's restroom, and he confronts her.

He wants her to model for him in one of the stalls.

He starts filming her.

Fortunately the actual locker guy was in the room and he calls the police.

She's basically taken over the guy's office.

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