Coin Locker Monogatari episode 4

She's looking at the lockers again.

She opens the locker and finds something inside.

The phone she found rings and she answers it.

It's a woman's voice on the phone.

She continues. The call suddenly disconnects. It was from a public telephone, so Miki can't trace it.

She stays at the office yet another night.

The phone rings again.

The woman starts to explain what happened.

The woman says she abandoned the child, and at the moment her life is pretty good.

The woman apologizes.

The woman had told her something was left for her to find.

Miki picks up a pair of gloves. There's another girl playing a piano. It's Yuri, the girl the woman on the phone thought she was talking to.

The guy thinks Yuri was sent to him and he starts getting rough with her.

Miki hits him and knocks him out.

Yuri starts talking about her mother. Yuri was not abandoned as a baby, though; her mother kept running off with different men. Miki had been abandoned as a baby.

Miki gives the gloves to Yuri.

Miki returns to the lockers.

Yuri's mother calls again that night.

Then Miki starts talking as if the woman was her own mother.

She has a foster mother.

Miki is finally making peace with what her mother did to her.

Miki has left the office and returned to her foster mother (I assume), but has left a note for Tetsuya.

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