Episode 4

The episode begins with a recap of what happend when Ryousuke and Ai came home and began removing each other's clothes. Mikan goes to the beef-bowl/ramen shop where it turns out she likes the same kinds of bread that Midorikawa likes.

Ryousuke and Ai talk about what they did the next morning. Ouda and her daughter Yuko talk. Ouda's still thinking about how to handle Wataru's request to see her (granted, she doesn't know it's Wataru, just a male caller). Meanwhile, Wataru's wondering how he'll pass for 30. In the typical style of this series, with would-be lovers passing near each other, Wataru buys an outfit to make him look older and as he walks through the store he passes Ouda who is talking to the cosmetics woman.

Mikan stops by the salon to ask Ai if she wants to have lunch with her. Mikan asks Ai if she's seeing someone. Later Ai calls Shimura at the TV station to tell him she has someone she's seeing (Ryousuke). She's trying to make him jealous but it doesn't work. She ends up calling Ryousuke to see if he wants to go somewhere the next day. Mikan plans to leave him the lighter and a letter saying it's a gift to thank him for the shoes he gave her, but she doesn't go through with it.

That night Ryousuke goes to the ramen shop and Mikan follows him. Ryousuke asks Midorikawa if Mikan is the girl he is interested in and he says yes. He asks her if she wants to go on a drive with him tomorrow along with one girl and Midorikawa.

Ouda is busy getting everyone out of the house on time so she can have enough time to get ready for her meeting with her phone caller. She goes to the outdoor place and has binoculars, trying to figure out who is the person that is going to meet her. She sees Midorikawa and Ryousuke. Waturi uses the zoom feature on his camera to search for the woman he's supposed to meet and spots Mikan, but she's joining Ryousuke and Midorikawa.

Ai tells Mikan that Ryousuke and her are just friends, both on the rebound. Meanwhile Wataru calls Ouda on his cell phone to find out where she is. She lies and says she got put on a flight and he'll need to wait at least twenty days to see her. Meanwhile the group of four wants their picture taken and asks a man to do it. The guy just happens to be Ouda's husband who is out with his mistress.

Ryousuke keeps saying that he thinks Mikan and Midorikawa make a good couple but Ai disagrees. They argue and she leaves. Ryousuke tries to talk Mikan into going to the movies with Midorikawa some time. Midorikawa later asks Mikan if it's Ryousuke that she likes but she says no. Meanwhile Ryousuke tells Ai that he wants to start seeing her seriously. They go back to his apartment but Shimura calls and tells Ai he needs to see her right away. She tells Ryousuke that she does not love him at all.

But it turns out that Shimura had phoned several women and told them all that he had to see them just to see who would show up first. Ai slaps him, yells at him and then runs off. This is rapidly becoming an episode in which everyone loses.

Mikan realizes she took the wrong bag and she has the key to Ryousuke's apartment. She ends up going over there and letting herself in. No one's home, but as she's looking at the fish Ryousuke arrives and she hides.

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