Episode 8

As he said he would do, Shimura announces that he's a fake on his TV show. Meanwhile, Ryouske gets jilted for the second time.

Ryousuke gives advice to Yuko that she should still try for the boy she's interested in, who is Wataru. Yuko finally asks Wataru if he will go out with her and he says yes. Ryosuke later talks to Midorikawa at the restaurant when Shimura walks in. Shimura explains some of his own history which is fairly tragic. Meanwhile Koda's husband comes home. She says she's not feeling well, but he tells her she's has it easy. She wants to out to dinner alone with him sometime but he says he's too busy. She finds his cell phone with a message on it from his girlfriend.

Koda goes to her husband's work place to follow him. She sees him meet his girlfriend in the hotel. Meanwhile, Mikan's mother calls her and wants to have dinner together. Mikan goes to the beef-bowl place that evening. She tells Midorikawa that the thing with Ryousuke is over, that Ai knows she was sneaking into his apartment using the extra key. He tells her he's started doing some research into what would be needed for him to open a bakery, his life's dream. He doesn't think he can come up with enough money, though.

Ryousuke talks to Ai. It seems everywhere they visited that day were places she and Shimura had gone together. He realizes she is not really having fun going out with him. Wataru and Yuko are considering going to a love hotel while Midorikawa and Mikan are both walking and drunk. Ai and Ryousuke rn into the and while they are talking Midorikawa gets a call from the police.

Yuko's mother has also been called and gets to the police station. Apparently they tried to elude the police when they were stopped just before going into the love hotel and they have been uncooperative since. Wataru claims responsiblity for taking Yuko to the hotel. Waturu tells Koda that talking to her had made him feel happy. Waturu returns to his him and his mother gets angry at Midorikawa for seeing his son. He tells his ex-wife that he's quitting the beef-bowl shop. Meanwhile, Koda's husband gets all on her case, basically saying she doesn't do anything around the house.

She tells him that she wants a divorce. Meanwhile Mikan wakes up in Ryousuke's apartment, although this time they brought her up there and she didn't have to sneak in. Ai and Mikan talk about Ryousuke. Mikan gets home and find her mother terribly ill.

Ai calls Ryousuke and he tells her he feels he's a failure. She finally tells him that she loves him. He no sooner gets to his apartment building, though, then he finds his ex-fiancee standing outside.

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