Good Luck, episode 2

Shinkai and Ogawa talk.

Ogawa sees Shinkai helping some young boys design a better paper airplane.

Another woman comes along while Ogawa is watching and hits on Shinkai.

The one girl claims she wants to be Shinkai's girlfriend and then his wife, and that a mechanic and a pilot can never be a good match.

Now Capt. Koda is mad at Shinkai since he didn't fly as a passenger when he was suspended for a week as a pilot. In addition, he's changed the shift Shinkai works without bothering to tell him first.

He then extends Shinkai's probation for no good reason.

One of the other mechanics tells Ogawa that Shinkai is going to quit.

They're holding a farewell party for Shinkai.

It appears that Capt. Koda has caused other people problems, too. They have a good talk. When Shinkai leaves the restroom he runs into Ogawa who has her own little putdown of him ready.

Shinkai's father is sort of talking to him without really talking directly to him.

Shinkai talks to Ogawa in the hanger and says he will apologize to Capt. Koda.

Ogawa tells him how the parents of a friend of hers were killed in a plane accident.

Shinkai doesn't exactly apologize but, instead, gets into yet another argument with Koda. The end result, though, is that he gets to go back to flying again.

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