Lunch Queen, episode 1

The episode opens with a couple of guys working in a restaurant's kitchen.

In a coffee shop, a customer is complaining about his coffee.

It's time for her lunch, so she changes her clothes in a flash and is gone. She doesn't know she's being watched, though.

There's some really neat shots of the food they are working on and plating.

She's going to eat at the same restaurant that the two guys from before work at.

She's enjoying the delicious food when suddenly the guy that has been following her is there.

She has barely taken a couple of bites before the guy pulls her out of the restaurant.

Two of the guys from the restaurant collide with the guy pulling the girl, and they see him pull her into a passageway.

He wants her to go to his parent's house. Keep in mind that she has no idea at all of who he is, and he just kidnapped her from a restaurant.

He says he's had coffee at the coffee shop she works in. He's been gone from home for two years.

In order to get back home, he has to have a bride.

He wants her to pretend to be his wife.

He begs her to help him.

If she goes with him, he'll feed her.

He's got her attention now.

A different girl is making a food delivery to the restaurant.

He is Kennichiro, whose father opened the restaurant. The three brothers are Yujiro, Junzaburo and Koshiro.

He wants her to go in first.

He finally asks what her name is.

The translation of the restaurant's name.

She places her order. Omurice is a rice omelete with ketchup in it.

Junzaburo, the third son. His main job seems to be taking orders and delivering orders, although he also does some of the cooking.

Another brother.

The youngest brother.

Their father comes into the kitchen to work, even though he had collapsed earlier.

The omurice.

She loves it.

Konnichiro then comes in.

The reception he gets from Yujiro is not exactly the most friendly one.

Natsumi comes to his defense.

The reason the brothers don't like Kennichiro. It was 5 million yen.

Natsumi gets involved with her own brand of fiction.

Her explanation gets a little more far-fetched.

Yujiro argues with Natsumi.

Kennichiro is dumb as a brick. Yujiro has just asked him how he plans to start over. He thinks he's going to take over the store since he is the eldest son.

She says he came back to keep track of the taste of things in the restaurant. Sort of a quality-control position.

I can guess what's coming up; an actual taste test like Gordon Ramsey does on Hell's Kitchen where he blindfolds people, has them taste certain foods, and tries to get them to identify the foods. If he succeeds, he gets to work their. If he fails, he has to leave.

The girl from the grocery.

The test.

He makes his choice, but then changes his mind.

He was wrong, picking the canned sauce.

He's run away again. He also stole the day's earnings.

They're all depressed. Kennichiro escaped in a cab.

He wants to close the shop. The other two brothers agree.

It's her love of good food that keeps her going despite her loneliness.

She gets mad.

She says she loved the omurice.

One of the brothers changes his mind.

She gets fired from her job. It also happens to be her birthday.

Apparently they will stay open, but no longer serve lunch.

He says they will have to start cutting costs.

Natsumi appears the next morning, pulling along a suitcase.

She wants to work there.

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