Lunch Queen, episode 4

They lose Kennichirio, and it starts to rain heavily.

Natsumi continues to work at the restaurant.

Natsumi is told to work on the floor and leave the kitchen after she causes a minor accident.

The guy has his daughter get a meal, and Natsumi goes out to talk to him. She talks him into eating with his daughter. The father ends up saying he doesn't want to be pitted, though.

Junzaburo knows about what really happened between Natsumi and Kennichiro. She still wants to stay at the restaurant with the others, though.

The father wants him to take over making his special sauce.

The father and his daughter return after closing time. He says the rice was so delicious he wants to eat it again, and that will give him the strength to carry on.

She ends up crying, since she had felt just like the guy at one time.

She tells Yujiro he has a bad fever.

Natsumi was asking why Junzaburo got the job of making the sauce instead of Yujiro.

Another day. They take a vacation to the beach.

They're being followed. Shimoi is still trying to get Junzaburo's attention.

She's worn a bikini.

The father tells Yujiro that he doesn't have to keep working at the restaurant if there is something else he wants to do with his life.

The guy's wife shows up.

She sees Junzaburo alone with Natsumi.

Suddenly Koshiro asks Natsumi to go out with him.

He says he's going to quit the restaurant.

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