Lunch Queen, episode 5

Returning from the beach both cars have people arguing in them.

The sauce Junzaburo makes isn't good enough to use.

Yujiro announces he's leaving, at least for a while.

Some guy is asking questions about Natsumi. He also has a photo of her.

Their restaurant has been featured in a magazine.

A policeman has shown up, and Natsumi is in a panic for some reason.

What it's actually about is that Kennichiro hit someone at a restaurant.

Because of the magazine article, there's a really big crowd waiting to get in.

She calls someone, thinking that “he,” whoever that is, might have been in trouble again. There's also an implication that, whoever this is, has hurt her before, probably physically.

Yujiro's at a different restaurant. The guy brings him the wrong noodles and takes back the bowl, then serves the exact same noodles to a girl, and they are not the actual type she ordered.

Kennichiro is having lunch somewhere and gets angry.

They don't know if they can handle the increase in customers if Yujiro does leave, but Natsumi thinks he'll come back.

Junzaburo's regular groupies are there, along with some new ones.

Yujiro returns.

Jun came on to Natsumi and suddenly Yujiro entered the room. She made a flying kick, planning to hit Jun again, but Yujiro got in the way and got flattened.

Police show up. They're after Natsumi.

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