No Way episode 5

Ayame says her eyes are swollen and Sumire is thinking about quitting her bank job.

Ayame recalls a slightly exaggerated run-in with her in-law over the new house she and Hiro were buying.

The Dragon Lady wants a song from Hiro and Ayame and expects them to carry on the family business.

Daike meets with the girl from the restaurant to tell her he plans to drop out of high school and not attend college. He wants to become a Master Chef at her restaurant. He also tells her that he is in love with her.

Ayame tries out for a commerical.

Ayame bombs at the audition while Hiro later tells her that he's been disowned by his father.

They get into a major argument.

The two losing men decide to drown their sorrows.

Satsuki collapses as she's climbing the stairs. The Doctor tells Nakata and Katsura that the fever is just part of Satsuki's body undergoing physical changes a sixth grade girl might experience. Satsuki later tells Katsura that she has no friends at all at school.

Sumire returns to work where she's cold to her boss. Nakata has put on a disguise so he can spy on her (since he doesn't know about her and her boss.)

Someone Sumire once knew comes to the bank and they go out to eat together. Her boss and Nakata both spy on them. He doesn't have a clue that her boss is interested in her.

Katsura fixed a special dinner of red beans and rice. That is the traditional dinner served when a young girl has her first period.

Daiki announces he plans to quit school, leave the family and take Satsuki with him.

They all blame Katsura for their home-life being different and ask her to leave.

Satsuki comes out and finds Katsura crying. Satsuki tells Katsura that she's her only friend and asks her to stay in her home and not leave the next day.

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