No Way Episode 8

Iwasaki might end up being transferred to another city.

Satsuki admits she has a boyfriend and his birthday is coming up.

Sam claims he's moved out of his home but the divorce might be a problem.

Daiki starts his part-time job.

The audition for Stephen Spielberg.

Katsura helps Satsuki make something for her boyfriend.

Satsuki just before her date.

Sumire wants Sam to move in with her.

The two couples (who ended up on the same boat ride together) eat in the Italian restaurant and Daiki gets to see them.

Katsura doesn't want Sam to stay there but Satsuki asks her to let him stay there for one night.

Daiki has come home drunk. It looks like the restaurant lady might have a boyfriend of her own.

Sam stays there the next night, too.

Ayame didn't get the part.

Juniro calls, Sam picks it up and pretends he's Katsura, but in that way finds out about the link between the two. He tells Katsura he knows the next morning.

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