Star No Koi: Episode 1

A major part of this first episode is spent contrasting the lives of Sosuke Nakata , a worker at a meat company, and Hikaurko Kirishima , a famous and beautiful celebrity. Things bounce continually back and forth, showing things going on in their lives and how theirlives are almost virtual opposites in everything. Hikaurko enters the store one day and rests in a chair while everyone except Nakata is out. He lends her his jacket and when she leaves she forgets to give it back to him.

He had bought a gift for the girl he was in love with and left it in the pocket of the jacket so he attempts, with no success, to get it back from the actress/model. Finally he ends up getting invited to a party the actress/model is having, and at the party he finally gets to talk to her and get his jacket back. Unfortunately, this is after his girlfriend called him on the cell phone and dumped him, telling him that she is marrying someone else.

At the party everyone is dressed perfectly, fawning over the actress/model. Nakata seems totally out of place but he gets into a conversation with a man (who turns out to be a very famous director) and shows the man how to slice a ham to get the most delicious taste from it. Nakata and Hikaurko get a short time alone to talk and he gets his jacket back.

A few days later he is eating a bowl of ramen at home and watching the television when he sees the actress/model on a program, and she says that she has an announcement to make, that Nakata and she are having a relationship!

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