Star no Koi, episode 10

Sosuke is quite upset and sad.

The director who has written a movie about a chair wants Hikaurko to be in the movie.

Sosuke is confronted by Tsubomi about why he didn't bother going to the play. He tells them all that Hikaurko has already told him that she didn't want to see him ever again.

Reiko keeps fouling up the take. She can't manage to remember three lines in a row.

Hikaurko again passes out and again they call the ambulance.

Tusbomi is getting mad at Sosuke since he seems so willing to forget about Hikaurko.

Hikaurko calls Sosuke. He's standing right there and can here the message but won't pick up the phone and answer her.

The "president" is trying to fix Hikaurko up with some other guy, probably in thinking it will help her forget Sosuke.

Hikaurko wants the ham place to cater a party. She calls to talk to Sosuke but he won't talk to her.

The party gets started.

She's finally able to get him alone and talk to him.

The director talks to Sosuke shortly after Sosuke's boss stopped him from leaving the party when Hikaurko told him she wants to talk to him when the party is over.

By the time Sosuke is ready to talk to her, though, another guy is confessing his love and Sosuke overhears him.

Another discussion about Hikaurko and the guy who proposed to her.

Hikaurko is asleep in the chair when Sosuke gets back to work.

She goes to see the vet after Sosuke told her that the vet was a better match for her than he was.

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