Star No Koi: Episode 2

Nakata starts to get a lot of attention directed his way once the media starts reporting on his supposedly relationship with Hikaruko. Meanwhile she publicly breakups up with her former boyfriend.

Hikaruko's manager talks to her and she reveals that her whole thing with Nakata is to simply make her former boyfriend jealous and make him come back to her. She visits Nakata at his apartment and then has him join her the next day at a fancy restaurant.

When Nakata gets there he is treated badly by the waiter, but the director arrives and ends up sitting with him, then others join him, then they all leave to go to a small place to eat where the director thinks the foods are really delicious.

Later Nakata and Hikaruko sit on a river bank and have a long talk and she ends up falling asleep. The next day her plan appears to be working as her former boyfriend gives her an engagement ring.

She ends up turning him down, though, and has a talk with Nakata where she reveals the entire hoax to him.

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