Star no Koi, episode 6

They have to increase their sales or one or more people will be laid off.

Hikaurko is working on another movie but the director is making it as hard as possible and has no faith in her. Meanwhile, Sousuke is scheduled to take a test to determine the class level he will be in with his archery.

Reiko says she is sure Hikaurko is in love with Sosuke.

Souske has come to the movie set and will end up training Hikaurko in archery.

He's instructing her on a whole series of steps involved in shooting an arrow in the proper manner.

She accidentally shoots the drink the nasty assistant-director had set up for him, about one foot from where he is standing. She ends up breaking the bow when she gets angry and distracted at Reiko who is paying attention to Sosuke.

He's being teased by the other workers who think Hikaurko has a new boyfriend, her co-star.

Hikaurko is going to have to hit the target in the next day's shooting, giving her very little time to train..

Reiko seems to be coming on to him, having already been to his workplace.

Sosuke talks to the director.

Reiko shows up where the group is eating; Reiko acts like is jealous of her and Sosuke.

Sosuke isn't having any luck in his archery and neither is Hikaurko.

Hikaurko is told that, if she doesn't hit the target the next day, she's fired.

Reiko is at Sosuke's.

Reiko wants to prove to Sosuke that Hikaurko is in love with him.

Reiko gets a hotel room and acts like she and Sosuke have a romance in hopes to make Hikaurko jealous, but it doesn't work.

Hakaurko goes to where she will have to shoot the next morning and reveals that she has no confidence.

Hikaurko takes Sousuke's original bow to a man who can repair it.

Sosuke is taking his ranking test and not doing well.

She is taking her shot during the movie while Sosuke is taking his with his repaired bow that Hikaurko left at the testing site for him. They both hit perfect bulls-eyes. Even with that, though, Sosuke fails his test since he missed previously.

The movie director tells her he thinks she is a genuine actress.

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