Star no Koi, episode 7

A strange fax appears at the office and there was also a strange person watching Hikaurko's apartment building.

There's going to be some kind of local festival and the ham company is going to prepare ham sandwiches to sell.

At the office they are talking about the stalker.

They sort of overdo it on the bodyguards, though.

The fact she has a stalker has been picked up by the press.

Hikaurko's manager comes to the business, ostensibly to order hams for an upcoming party she is going to have.

Hikaurko wants Sosuke to make the ham sandwiches for the party.

Everyone shows up for the party even though only Sosuke was supposed to come.

Hikaurko wants him to come and make her some ham sandwiches. He's just gotten back from a date with Tsubomi, the woman who works at the ham place and has a crush on him. He tells her he was just out on a date and could fall in love with the girl.

Hikaurko's reply.

The group has set up at the festival site but it's pouring rain and there is no one else there.

To get away from her bodyguards Hikaurko changes clothes with a cleaning lady in a woman's restroom and then sneaks out past the guards.

Another fax from the stalker shows up at the office. She escapes from the bodyguards but she doesn't know the stalker is following her.

The stalker catches up with her and Sosuke.

The guards arrive just in the nick of time. (Where did that phrase "in the nick of time" come from, anyway?)

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