Trick 1, episode 3

While the detectives are talking to the guy who owns the house they are hiding in Yamada begins to put things together and uncovers a huge portrait of Big Mother in the guy’s house.

Yamada says she knows exactly how they killed the girl.

Something is severely wrong with Yamada’s mother.

When Big Mother guesses the number the professor beats up a few of the guys and he and Yamada run away and hide.

They’re caught and tied up at the windmill but escape and ride some kind of chute down the hill.

The professor figures out how Big Mother guessed Yamada’s number.

The one guy is killed while he is talking to Yamada.

A doctor is checking on Yamada’s mother who had a high fever. Meanwhile, Yamada confronts Big Mother and has to decide whether or not to shoot the professor or, if it’s not the professor, it’s a mirror trick.

Yamada exposes how the trick was done using the professor.

Apparently the guy with the glasses was the one behind everything; Big Mother was working with him, but he was pushing things for his own greed.

Big Mother takes poison and dies but only after telling Yamada she could really read minds.

She also tells Yamada that her father was killed by a real spiritualist. She also tells her that person will appear soon and will kill her.

The professor takes Yamada home, carrying her part of the way.

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