Trick 1, episode 7

They find out the blood on the woman’s clothing matched the blood of the man she claimed to have stabbed to death.

One of the detectives brings in an old woman and she claims to have seen the girl stab the guy to death.

Ok. Now I’m confused. The detective is going to let the girl go since the courts won’t recognize spiritual powers as being real enough to use to kill. Yet only a little earlier he had the old woman who definitely said the girl was the killer, so there’s an eyewitness to the murder. It’d be a problem proving it since the girl was also supposedly at Ueda’s, but at least it’d be enough to charge her with murder (the eyewitness), and prevent her from leaving, yet no one discusses that possibility.

The girl says she will be back to kill her third person, but Yamada says she should do it now (and thus not have time to set up a trick). The girl agrees to do that.

She acts like she's going to kill the professor.

Yamada's mother arrives. She's made arrangements with Ueda to act like his apartment is really her apartment.

His apartment doesn't exactly look like hers.

One thing she didn't count on was that the professor was going to also be at his apartment (and in his underwear.)

The professor thinks that the girl has a twin and that's how she makes people think she's the killer when it's really her sister doing the killing.

It turns out she does have a twin sister.

They confine both girls.

The girl acts like she has a rifle.

Yamada figures out that the girl killed the guy before 2:45, recorded the sounds, put them into a computer and had the computer call the detective at 2:45.

Twelve years ago their father was killed by the three men that they ended up killing.

The “original” sister they worked with turns on her sister.

The younger sister is then killed by the older, “original” one (or she takes poison; hard to tell).

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