Avenge December 7

War bond sales promo stridently advocating vengeance against Japan for the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The producer is unknown. It's a 1942 production, sound, black-and-white.

Keep in mind that going to the theater was more common during the years of the war than it is now. Indeed, there was not even any television, so the moving picture newsreels and shorts such as this were how Americans were kept up to date visually with what was going on elsewhere.

Below is the script from the short as I transcribed it. The "Pearl Harbor" phrase at the start was said softly at first, then louder and louder with bigger and bigger print. The word "vengeance" was sometimes given very heavy emphasis. What is very interesting is the phrase "hating is not enough" which gives you an idea of the type of mind-set being used here.

"Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor. A year has passed and we do honor to our beloved dead who fell before the sneak Jap. We remember. Each of us gathered here today safely sheltered. We remember. We remember the graves far away, nurses, soldiers, children of Pearl Harbor stabbed in the back.

"But remembering is not enough; hating is not enough, sacrifices. Yes, no matter what, and what do they ask of us, the heroes we mourn? What do they ask of us, our marching sons across the seas. To stand shoulder to shoulder with them. Here at home to do the job of forging the guns of vengeance. They're matching now, the rhythm of our marching boys thrills the world.

"Avenge December 7th. On to victory. Everyone in this theater can know the personal pride and joy of taking part, too. Sure you've bought bonds and stamps, but when you buy this week mark in your memory they're bonds of vengeance. When you leave this theater stop and remember that Pearl morning just a year ago.

"Each day this week in motion picture theaters throughout the land Americans are remembering with vengeance in their hearts; tears, too. Why not? Bonds are our weapons. Stop on the way out. You want to say what's in your heart. Say it with bonds".

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