Imperial Japanese Naval Aviator 1937-1945

This is an excellent little book on the subject of Japanese Imperial Naval Aviators during the 1937-1945 time period. It has lots of photos (that I have not seen elsewhere), and a lot of information. Topics covered include recruitment and training; flight training; carrier qualification; belief and belonging; spirit of the Imperial Japanese naval airman; dress and appearance; weapons and equipment; daily life and front-line duty; tactics; the Imperial Japanese naval airman in combat, a glossary, a bibliography, and various color plates depicting the clothing worn by the aviators, flight tactics and other things.

The book, some 64 pages long, reads well and is written in a very factual, straight manner without any particular points-of-view being taken. It contains a lot of information I have not read elsewhere, and I've covered quite a few books on Japan and the war. The book also leaves out the subject of kamikaze on purpose to concentrate totally on the life of the average IJN aviator.

Interestingly enough, I found this book at a local store that sells games, gaming supplies and models. There seems to be a series of books like this, and I plan to get others over time.

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