Japanese and Korean Exclusion League, September 1906

This is a publication from the Japanese and Korean Exclusion League, which later became the Asiatic Exclusion League.

There's the usual stuff about roll call, credentials and minutes. There's a part that says 217 organizations are affiliated with the league, and then there's a confusing part about Endorsements, which total 4,377,000. I think it's the total members in each of a number of labor groups, apparently making the assumption that every single member of each group supports the league.

Then there's a rather ominous section which examines a particular district and then lists the number of Japanese and their occupations in the district. This is done in more than one of the proceedings papers, by the way. It's like they are spying on them or something.

The data had been obtained by the Police Department. However:

“Owing to the wily ways and the cunning in the nature of the Orientals the Police Department experienced great difficulty in obtaining this data.”

There's also executive board material, which is also present in each issue of the proceedings.

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