Japanese and Korean Exclusion League, March 1907

This is a publication from the Japanese and Korean Exclusion League, which later became the Asiatic Exclusion League.

There are 225 organizations affiliated with the league at the time. There's a section called the Congressional Record, which covers the month of February listing petitions sent to Congress. There were 102 for restriction of immigration, 76 against the employment of coolies on the canal, and174 against the restriction of immigration.

One guy talks about the school problems:

“If the separation of races on railroad cars is a police regulation, likewise the separation of races in public free schools is a similar police regulation. State laws forbidding the intermarriage of certain races are held to be universally within the police powers of the State, and a marriage between a white person and a Japanese may be prohibited.”

In talking about Japanese wanting their children to attend regular public schools:

“This insistence in demanding that they be allowed to attend white schools proves their unfitness to enjoy such a privilege.”

Much of this issue revolves around the topic of immigration.

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